Page 52 - BackSIDE rollbrett-heft VOL.4 25th Anniversary
P. 52

You started shoo�ng skateshots in                  for other people too. In 2000 I
               2000. Only 2 years later you turned                learned simultaneously Photoshop
               this hobby into your profession. You               for color and Darkroom for black and

               must be a quick learner. What was                  white. I always try to have the
               the turning point to do it?                        darkroom mindset s�ll ac�ve. I
               I do learn fast specially if the subject           developed my own films and prints
               means something to me, and                         for 8 years straight, so whenever I

               photography did. Injuries made the                 use Photoshop I try to s�ck to the
               whole process faster too. In a way I               same rules.
               felt I had wasted a lot of good years
                                                                  Since 2008 you have worked as
               to have finished a career at
                                                                  photographer for Adidas
               something. I loved skateboarding but
                                                                  Skateboarding. What does a
               it was not going to bring food to my
                                                                  photographer do for such a big
               table. I quit architecture studies years
               back just to be able to skate, and I
                                                                  In fact I worked for Juice Design (San
               kind of regre�ed it. So, I just dived
                                                                  Francisco). Juice Design is an agency
               into photography.
                                                                  that used to do all the big ad

                                                                  campaigns for Adidas, and I shot for
               Are you considering taking up
                                                                  them from 2008-2013. This included
               architecture again or any other
                                                                  most of the ad campaigns of the
               No. It’s been so long that it’d be
               star�ng from scratch again. I’d rather             In 2014 they started the Away Days
               study something new.                               video project and then there were

                                                                  other photographers as well, like
               What gear are you shoo�ng with?                    Zander Taketamoto and Sam Muller.
               Nikon 850, Contax 645, Nikon F5.
                                                                  Back to the ques�on: I would shoot

                                                                  the skate ads with a lot of incidentals
               Is there any post-produc�on you do?                to spice it up, shoot the shoes on-
               If so how far do you go?                           model and off-model & shoot
               I do all the post-produc�on of my                  lifestyle portraits for catalogues.

               images and some�mes I’ve done it                   Some�mes events too.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mark Gonzales

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