Page 63 - BackSIDE rollbrett-heft VOL.4 25th Anniversary
P. 63

I’m thinking about opening a tobacco               I love it, though. Wouldn’t change a
               store.                                             bit of it for any extra �me.

                                                                  In you said that ‘I
               What do you do when you are not
                                                                  enjoy skateboarding very differently
                                                                  than 20 years ago’. Can you
               When I am not working, I focus on
                                                                  elaborate in what way?
               my kids 100%. During this pandemic
                                                                  Yeah, back then I couldn’t even
               they couldn’t go to school for
                                                                  imagine Skateboarding without
               months, so my wife Gemma and I
                                                                  progression. But now I am happy just
               had to be the teachers. We’ve kept
                                                                  by cruising or doing powerslides or a
               busy! I’d teach them English, Music &
                                                                  couple ollies. I am happy with my
               Art and my wife would do Grammar
                                                                  skateboarding de-progression, ha!
               (Catalan / Spanish), Maths & Science.
                                                                  I appreciate not taking skateboarding
               A�er schools opened again, we just
                                                                  too seriously. Life got simpler and
               kept doing it because the kids loved
                                                                  be�er. Which at the same �me is the
               it. What I mean is, you really don’t
                                                                  opposite of what’s coming with the
               have much �me le� with kids, ever.
 But when the cake is big enough,  I am sure this coopera�on with the
 you’ll have to deal with toxic jerks.  godfather of skateboarding has
 People who are there just to be  brought you a lot of a�en�on? Has
 friends of the VIP brand or name and  anything changed for you since then  “The project came in a time

 climb the power/influence ladder.  professionally and personally?
 The bigger the cake, the more you’ll  Not really, I’m s�ll not Instagram  where I had very big
 find lurking around. That’s just the  famous. I have to try harder next

 nature of it.  �me! Maybe I should shoot fashion
 so I can get skateboarding jobs…?  disappointments from some
 You men�oned in
 Now serious. I never did this book to
 that Gonz entertained you guys with
 get anything out of it, and that’s the  people who I thought got my
 ‘his inexhaus�ble source of crazy
 most honest thing I can say about it.
 80s, 90s and 00 stories’. Can you
 It’s been a passion project, and it’s
 share one?    back and turned out they were
 been great, but that’s all done now.
 I think he should do that; the stories
 I’ve already moved forward.
 belong to him. But anyways, it is not
 only the story but also how he  ready to stab me in the back”
 What do you want to do going
 explains it. He is funny.

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