Page 69 - BackSIDE rollbrett-heft VOL.4 25th Anniversary
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skateboarding. We ended up mee�ng Not turning my back to
the Mayor, ska�ng a lot and drinking skateboarding at all, I’m just being
beers hidden behind a bus because realis�c. Skateboarding will always be
alcohol was not legal. my li�le baby.
I am definitely into Star Wars, but I What was your most embarrassing
didn’t know that fact. I’m more from
the first trilogy. My first movie ever in
Probably in Berlin, when ge�ng that
a movie theatre was Empire Strikes
Skate Photographer of the Year
Back. I was like 3, but I s�ll have award in 2012 and having to speak
flashes of Vader and Leia and snow
on stage. So bad.
on screen. Damn that makes me feel
really old. And talking about the
Looking back is there anything you
devil… let me say Mandalorian is the would change if you have the chance
best that’s happened to Star Wars
since Rogue One, ha!
I’d buy winning lo�ery �ckets.
What is the proudest moment
within your skateboarding
Mark Gonzales book. I created it out
of nothing and made it work out of
stubbornness. Thanks to Mark
Gonzales, Tia Romano Gonzales and a
few other good people, it worked.
The book also comes in a �me where
I don’t think I will be shoo�ng
skateboarding anymore, at least not
extensively. If that’s the case it’s not
a bad way to say ‘Adiós’.
Adventures in Street Skating
Published: 22nd September 2020
It looks like you really turned your ISBN: 9780847868704
back on Skateboarding. Do you think Number Of Pages: 208
it is because of the some of the
darkside that you experienced
within the industry or is it simply
due to your natural progression as a
Raul Navarro - Flip - Barcelona
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