Page 83 - BackSIDE rollbrett-heft VOL.4 25th Anniversary
P. 83

“The challenge are lack of skate

       shops, skate parks sponsors & the

                       governments support.”

                    What are the things you are working on right now with ‘Skate Na�on

                    I am working on raising funds to build obstacles I can use to teach in my

                    In one of your video clip it says ‘Skate Na�on Ghana’ along with
                    ’Mission 100’. What does this stand for?
                    Mission 100 is a vision or task that is meant to reach out to teach at least
                    100 people how to skate.

                    There is another non-profit organiza�on called ‘GhanaSkateboarding’.
                    Are they doing anything different to what you do?
                    Yes. They just post about the Ghana skate scenes.

                    Do you collaborate with other NPOs like Sandy Alibo’s SurfGhana and
                    the Skate Gal Club? If so how does that collabora�on look like?

                    We are almost the same people with different ideas. Surf Ghana is the
                    business side of ska�ng & Skate Na�on Ghana are the people who skate
                    to make the community grow. So surfghana is the party and skate na�on
                    ghana are the people who make the party fun for people to want it more

                    by organizing events.

                    Skate Na�on Ghana has been covered in Vogue. How did that happen?

                    Thanks to Sandy Alibo.

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