Page 33 - BackSIDE rollbrett-heft VOL.4 25th Anniversary
P. 33

21:37                                             21:37

 JonnyGiger  JonnyGiger

               edi�ng, Instagram and finding �me and energy to hit the streets with my friends, get
 How many tricks are packed in the 10 minutes and 22 seconds worth of footage and  the job done and s�ll have an awesome �me.

 how long did it take you to complete it all?
 Good Ques�on, I didn’t count them. Every Trick took an hour to land in average. I  Before you turned pro you worked in a bar a�er you completed university (Matura).
 rarely go back to the same spot for the same trick unless I really need to have it in the  I am sure your parents were not thrilled with your career choice. What was your
 part. I’ve been working on that project for like 2 years. The merlin twist (sw 180 ff  plan?

 impossible) at primetower is from 2016 tough. We also don’t have a filmer in the area  I was working many jobs before I made a living out of this and to be honest I never
 so the longer it takes the more bad i feel for my friends that film me. You might have  had a real plan. I always knew I could go to study and make a bachelor with the
 no�ced that there is only one 3 trick line in the part, that’s because lines usually take  determina�on I have, which is s�ll an op�on for me a�er all of this. I just went to

 longer to film and i just don’t want to ask my friends for too much. (Fun story the only  work in the back office of DHL and a re�rement place a�er I got my degree. A�er that
 other line i filmed in the past 2 years got lost haha). As said some�mes i just set up a  I went on pu�ng up circus tents and many other small jobs. Bartender was hard work
 tripod, that happens when i’m ska�ng alone or when I’m too shy to ask a homie if he  but fun. It didn’t go easy on the body though. My dad was very unhappy about the
 could film for a bit. Without the help of my friends i couldn’t realise street parts and  skate thing when I told him I was going to chase a�er that but eventually it worked

 I’m so grateful for their help.  out and today he’s very cool with it.

 I feel like this part is pre�y decent for my standards even that i think i could do much
               Did you start your Youtube channel before or a�er turning pro and why?
 more. I some�mes renounce on the actual trick i want when everybody is bored and
               Way before. I started it in 2012 for a school project. We did a stop mo�on
 wants to go to the next spot. It’s also a tough Quest to keep it up with youtube,  skateboarding clip and had to create a channel to get it uploaded.

                                                      ‘If they wanna spend their

                                                          time talking about how

                                                      much I suck, well that’s ok

 Nollie pop shove it - Ohio, USA  Brian Amps                             with me.’

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