Page 39 - BackSIDE rollbrett-heft VOL.4 25th Anniversary
P. 39
21:39 21:40
JonnyGiger JonnyGiger
In an interview with you men�oned that your „yoo I’m Andy. Am I interrup�ng something?“ Hahaha I finished
community reacts sensibly when you are not pos�ng for a the game (I think Yoshi won) and had some random conversa�on
few days. Sounds stressful to con�nuously come up with with him. He’s one of the nicest persons I ever met. Super
interes�ng material, produce it, put it online and await the humble. Kind. A lot of energy and the way his synapses are wired
community’s reac�on. Never thought of qui�ng? makes him one of the funniest persons ever. I really dig his
Yep it’s definitely a lot of work to put up that one-man show. I humour and way of thinking.
usually work 6-10 hours every day of the week. Edi�ng is the
least fun part of it. My friends some�mes joke that I've been Skaterboardershq ranked you 5 place for the ‘21 Best YouTube
having vaca�on for the past four years, but it’s not like that. Skateboarding channels you don’t want to skip’. I do not know
I’m some�mes just drowning in edi�ng, ge�ng be�er at the legi�macy of the website but it sounds very fla�ering. You
English and of course film proper content. On top of that I are only one place behind The Berrics but 6 places up from your
invest a lot of �me in maintaining my body and working on my board sponsor founder Andrew Schrock. What do you think
mental health. I won’t quit as long as pays the bills. One day I makes up your success?
might go back to school and study something like history or I’ve been focusing the content on my channel to be about
work a regular 9-5 job. Who knows? Life gives you a lot of skateboarding. Andy uploads a lot of lifestyle related content too.
opportuni�es if you’re willing to put in the work. It’s just crazy to be ranked this high because The Berrics is like an
enterprise with filmers, editors, marke�ng managers etc. They
When was the last �me you had 2 weeks’ vaca�on? also have all the pros and a lot of interes�ng people in LA.
Haha hmm I think somewhere in 2018 when I sprained my Meanwhile I’m just a small skater from the countryside that likes
ankle really bad and I didn’t have any footage to edit back doing tech tricks. They maybe see something in me that see in
then. Now I have tons of footage in stock but I work in themselves. And for me it doesn’t ma�er if you have a ba�le to
advance these days. I’m usually two weeks ahead of my posts. learn Tre flip late shove or a kickflip on flat. We’re figh�ng to get
That way I’m free to take off a full weekend from �me to �me. that trick. This ba�le we have in common and some of them
probably like to see what’s possible to make out of that kickflip if
Do you know the demographics and loca�on of your
you s�ck with it long enough and stay persistent.
I do. It’s most of them are from the US, male and adults.
What is your most watched/liked episode so far?
Hmm I think it’s the Tre flip darkslide (1.8M views). I filmed that
Your boss Andy Schrock started his career also on Youtube
one in the UK. Just went for it three hours straight and it
and due to his success on social media started the board
somehow just worked out. It’s not always given that difficult
company Revive (Revenge ini�ally). People call it the web-
tricks do well on YouTube. I went 3 days in a row for sw
born skate brand. How did you guys meet?
casperslide which was an enorm effort but the view count is
We met at the courthouse in LA. 2014. I was playing a game of
under average I guess. But it is what it is I just keep going. Cause
skate with Yoshi Tannenbaum but I was already riding for one
there are s�ll so many tricks I wanna land.
of his brands. It happened on total coincidence. He was like
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